Heritage process
Ontario Place is a Provincial Heritage Property of Provincial Significance. The government in in the process of creating a Strategic Conservation Plan (SCP). The SCP is a critical step in protecting the site.
The purpose of the SCP is to provide guidance on how to maintain and conserve the heritage attributes of Ontario Place. It will establish conservation principles to guide the design of the tenant- and government-led redevelopment.
The SCP will provide the framework for considering heritage in future designs through the development Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs). An HIA is a study that identifies impacts of proposed activities on a site’s heritage attributes and recommends options or ways to avoid or mitigate those impacts.
- Draft SCP currently underway
- Engagement of Indigenous communities and consultation with key cultural heritage stakeholders planned for spring 2022.
- Final SCP anticipated early summer 2022
- Read more about heritage.

Site servicing at Ontario Place
The site services at Ontario Place were installed over 40 years ago. They are at their end of life and no longer meet current standards. Services in need of replacement include water, sewer, gas, and electrical systems.
The project includes a comprehensive program to renew all services at Ontario Place to ensure continued operation of existing attractions and prepare it for redevelopment.
A Category B Public Work Class Environmental Assessment was chosen for this project because environmental effects are well understood and easily mitigated.
- When the Category B EA is complete, the Notice of Completion and 30-day comment period for the Consultation & Documentation report will be issued for public comment on the Updates page of the project website.
- Site works are expected to begin early 2023 and the estimated length of construction is 2-3 years.
- Read more about site servicing.
Repairs of existing Ontario Place infrastructure
The Government of Ontario is committed to protecting the Cinesphere and Pods complex and is exploring opportunities for their reuse in the redeveloped Ontario Place. Most pods have been vacant for decades and need extensive interior and exterior renovation. Maintenance and repair work is planned to stabilize and prevent further deterioration of the Cinesphere, pods and adjacent bridges while the redevelopment project progresses.
- Site work will begin work in spring 2022 and continue into 2023.
- Exclusionary measures are being put in place to address species at risk consistent with MECP requirements.
- Access to areas adjacent to work areas will be restricted for public safety as required.
- Read more about the ongoing work.