The Ontario Place opportunity
Ontario Place has long been an important place to the people of Ontario. The redevelopment vision reflects the diversity of the Province and celebrates the legacy of its waterfront location.

The vision for Ontario Place is a new world-class, year-round destination. Three exciting new recreation and entertainment uses are anchored around the central Pods and Cinesphere complex, while an upgraded public realm and park network extends across the site. Recreation is a key focus of the new Ontario Place, supported by a fully retained Trillium Park and William G. Davis trail, an expanded waterfront trail system, new water activities and upgraded green spaces.
Once redeveloped, Ontario Place will once again be a centerpiece of the Province’s tourism, recreation and culture sectors.
The vision
“A world-class year-round destination with global appeal that would attract millions of local, provincial, national and international visitors to its landmark entertainment, sports, commercial, recreational and/or leisure attractions. These landmarks would be complemented by public space and parks and would include the existing amphitheater.”
As the Government of Ontario considered potential redevelopment opportunities, a vision emerged that was guided by the following principles:
- An emphasis on recreational and cultural programming across the entire site
- No land sale – site to remain in public ownership
- No casino uses
- No condominium or residential uses
- Restoration and adaptive re-use of the Pod complex and Cinesphere
- Preservation of Trillium Park
- Upgraded public realm, with a focus on accessibility and sustainability
- Site-wide public access
- Enhanced waterfront access and activities (swimming, boating, dining, recreation, etc.)
- Target of LEED Platinum facilities for anchor partners

The redevelopment concept
Building on the success of Trillium Park and updates made to the William G. Davis trail, the Ontario Place redevelopment project aims to create a beautiful and cohesive landscape that seamlessly integrates the tenants’ developments with public spaces across the site.
To achieve the vision for a remarkable waterfront recreational destination at Ontario Place, the redevelopment work will include:
- Three private sector anchor tenants providing recreation and entertainment-based attractions.
- Government-led repairs and updates to existing infrastructure.
- Government-led planning, design and redevelopment of the public realm and redevelopment lands.
- Integration of publicly accessible areas on government-led and tenant-led developments.
- A beautiful and cohesive landscape that seamlessly integrates the tenants’ developments and landscapes with the public spaces across the site.
Indigenous engagement
Toronto was the traditional gathering place for the Anishinabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples. We acknowledge our responsibility to recognize the rights of Indigenous Nations and Peoples to the land.
We are committed to engaging with Indigenous communities and Indigenous organizations throughout the EA and design process. We want to learn about Indigenous history and perspectives with a goal of ensuring the revitalized Ontario Place celebrates Indigenous culture and can be a place to share Indigenous knowledge and traditions.
The private tenants
Through the Call for Development process, three private-sector partners were identified as preferred anchor tenants for the redevelopment of Ontario Place:
Therme Group
Therme Canada is proposing a family-friendly, all-season water and wellness facility that will include activities for all, such as: waterslides, pools, spas, botanical gardens, restaurants, outdoor activities, arts and cultural programing.
ÉcoRécréo Group
ÉcoRécréo Group is proposing an all-season adventure park with aerial obstacle courses, net play, ziplines, climbing walls and event spaces.
Live Nation
Live Nation is redeveloping the existing amphitheatre into a modern, year-round indoor-outdoor live music performance venue that will attract world-class artists and events.
The planning and design of anchor tenant developments is subject to a parallel municipal planning approvals process with additional opportunities for public engagement.
Read more information about the anchor tenants.
Read more information on the municipal approvals process.

Disclaimer: This map is an approximate depiction of the land areas and may be subject to change.
Government-led work
To realize the Ontario Place redevelopment vision for the non-tenanted lands, the Province of Ontario will lead:

Repairs and stabilization of existing infrastructure – notably the Cinesphere and Pods (see Station 7 for details)

Upgrading site servicing to maintain existing operations and prepare the site for development (see Station 7 for details)

Official Plan and zoning amendments to align with the proposed development

Site preparations across the entire site to prepare for the development

Design and development of the public realm

Development and execution of science-related programming in collaboration with the Ontario Science Centre
This virtual space is dedicated to the Environmental Assessment for the government-led site preparations and the public realm development outlined in the box above.