Final Environmental Study Report: Public Comment Period Closed

An aerial image of Ontario Place with Toronto skyline in the distance.

Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI), undertook a Category C Public Work Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the future public spaces and parkland (the public realm) at Ontario Place. As a result of the Category C EA process, a preferred design for the site’s future public realm was developed in consultation with all the stakeholders. A draft Environmental Study Report (ESR) was posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario and on for a 60-day comment period, from July 4 to September 2, 2023. 

The ESR documents the planning, design, and consultation steps that were completed as part of the Class EA process, as well as presents the preferred design for the public realm. The redevelopment of the public realm at Ontario Place has been carried out in accordance with the Category C Public Work Class EA process, which is an approved planning process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

The Notice of Completion can be viewed here. The draft ESR Appendices are included in the Document Library and can be viewed here.

The Final ESR took into consideration the comments received and can be viewed here.