We want to hear from you. As we continue to move forward with the redevelopment of Ontario Place, your feedback will help support the planning and redevelopment of the site. There are several opportunities for you to get involved and share your ideas and feedback.
Environmental Assessment – Fall 2022 Open House Event Completed
Between the Spring 2022 and Fall 2023, the Province hosted a series of public consultation events where the public participated in the Environmental Assessment (EA) process, learnt about the site preparation work, and provided inputs on the design of the future public spaces at Ontario Place.
Following a public workshop in April 2022 to seek input, ideas, and feedback related to the public spaces at Ontario Place, the second virtual public consultation event occurred on October 27, 2022. During this event, approximately 250 attendees participated and shared feedback on the potential design for future public spaces and parkland of Ontario Place. The feedback received from this event, as well as previous public engagement events, will help to create a recommended design for Ontario Place’s public spaces.
Environmental Assessment – Spring 2023 Open House Event Completed
On April 27, 2023, we held our third virtual public consultation event as part of the Environmental Assessment process. Approximately 265 attendees participated and shared their feedback. This event was focused on presenting the recommended preliminary design for the future public spaces at Ontario Place. During this event, our design teams walked through the recommended preliminary design and attendees had an opportunity to provide feedback in small breakout rooms, facilitated by the project team. The feedback on the recommended preliminary design was used to refine the design to identify a preferred design for the public realm.
Information from this event as well as past virtual engagement sessions can be accessed via the virtual public engagement room.
Early 2022
EA Launch & Public Realm Visioning
Fall 2022
Conceptual Design Options
Spring 2023
Evaluation Process & Recommended Conceptual Design
Fall 2023
Feedback and Confirmation of Preferred Design