Strategic Conservation Plan Approved

Ontario Place has been identified as a Provincial Heritage Property of Provincial Significance and requires the finalization of a Strategic Conservation Plan (SCP) prior to any redevelopment activities. The purpose of an SCP is to provide guidance on conserving, maintaining, and using Ontario Place in the future. The SCP and its Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) for the proposed developments are the tools used to help guide decision making, mitigate impacts, and conserve the cultural heritage features of Ontario Place. The finalized SCP for Ontario Place, approved by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, is available here. 

A draft HIA for the whole site has also been prepared in support of the proposed redevelopment. The draft HIA identifies potential impacts to heritage features, provides a rationale for those impacts, and recommends mitigation measures consistent with the SCP. The draft HIA is available here, and appendix is available here.

The draft HIA was open for public comment through January 20, 2023. Further comments should be sent to

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