Public Events

The Government is committed to keeping the public informed and considers public feedback in decision-making. As the project continues to move forward, all the inputs gathered through the various public events will be critical to the planning and redevelopment of Ontario Place.

Public Information Session (October 2021)

In Fall 2021, the Province held two virtual information sessions on October 13 and 27, 2021. During the virtual information sessions, the Province shared its vision and provided an opportunity for Ontarians to learn about the planned redevelopment of Ontario Place and provide input. At the sessions, participants asked questions and shared thoughts on a range of themes. Approximately 450 attendees participated in the events.

EA Event #1: EA Launch & Public Realm Visioning (Spring 2022)

In Spring 2022, the Province hosted its first EA public engagement event. The virtual event included a design workshop where members of the public shared their vision and ideas for the public space and parkland at Ontario Place. Approximately 480 attendees participated and shared feedback. This feedback was considered in the development of the public realm design concepts and draft evaluation criteria.

EA Event #2: Conceptual Design Concepts & Evaluation Criteria (Fall 2022)

Between the Spring 2022 and Fall 2023, the Province hosted a series of public consultation events where the public participated in the Environmental Assessment (EA) process, learned about the site preparation work, and provided inputs on the design of the future public spaces at Ontario Place. 

Following a public workshop in April 2022 to seek input, ideas, and feedback related to the public spaces at Ontario Place, the second virtual public consultation event occurred on October 27, 2022. During this event, approximately 250 attendees participated and shared feedback on the potential design for future public spaces and parkland of Ontario Place. The feedback received from this event, as well as previous public engagement events, helped to create a recommended design for Ontario Place’s public spaces. 

EA Event #3: Evaluation & Selection of Preferred Design (Spring 2023)

On April 27, 2023, we held our third virtual public consultation event as part of the Environmental Assessment process. Approximately 265 attendees participated and shared their feedback. This event was focused on presenting the recommended preliminary design for the future public spaces at Ontario Place. During this event, our design teams walked through the recommended preliminary design and attendees had an opportunity to provide feedback in small breakout rooms, facilitated by the project team. The feedback on the recommended preliminary design was used to refine the design to identify a preferred design for the public realm.

EA Event #4: Updates to Preferred Design & Next Steps (Fall 2023)

On November 17, 2023, we held our fourth virtual public event as part of the EA process. The purpose of the session was to provide an overview of the Category C Class Environmental Assessment and share the latest information on the Environmental Study Report (ESR), including what the project team heard during the draft ESR comment period and modifications that were made to the final ESR and the preferred public realm design.

Development Application Public Consultation #1: April 2023

In November 2022, an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application for Ontario Place was submitted to the City of Toronto. Following their initial review, the City hosted two public meetings (one in-person and one virtual) in April 2023 to share information about the application and collect input. On behalf of government, the project team presented materials, answered questions, and facilitated discussion with participants on specific topics.

Virtual Presentations:

Development Application Public Consultation #2: September 2023

After submitting an initial Official Plan and zoning by-law amendment application in November 2022, we advanced design based on input from Indigenous communities, the public, the City of Toronto and other stakeholders. We also conducted additional studies to support the updated designs and to better understand site conditions. 

The City hosted two additional public meetings in early September (one in-person and one virtual) where the project team presented the design revisions and answered questions. Shortly after, an updated application was submitted to the City for review.

Virtual Presentations: